Hi everyone, today I will talk about
a job I would like to do in the future.
Well in the future I would like job
traveling around the world for works matters. For example exporting and
importing different products. I would like to do this work because I love
travel for different countries, also know cultural different. I need to do my future job to be organized,
know the products and talk English for communicate with the persons of others countries.
Moreover, the types of rewards that
I would get from doing this job is the possibility of to travel of world, along
with this, know the places.
Finally I think it is important have
equilibrium between money and happiness in the persons.
As well as, other job that I would
like job in the future is technical director of a team football, especially in
Everton of Viña de mar, because is my favorite team in the world and moreover I
love the football as well as the tactics and plays for me it is so motivating. Even though I have two dream jobs, if I need
to choose only one, I choose the second, because is my real passion.
I hope you are well
Greetings to all
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