Sunday, May 13, 2018

something that I would like to learn

Hi everyone! I going to talk about of I would like to learn in my life. Well I would like to learn about of the soccer tactic, is a matter very interesting in my life because I love soccer and I to learn more tactics for me is entertain. The soccer tactics I would to learn in an institute of soccer, both in Chile and abroad, also, other form of to learn soccer tactics is reading books of the different authors. I feel that I know of tactics soccer but always to learn more is positive in the life. On the other hand, I would like to learn about the of the used media. I would like to know the work in a TV channel in Chile or in the world. Because I feel that is important the work that the animator make in your TV channel and your role in the society. Another matter that I would like to learn is the different cultural in the world, this matter is interesting for my because I love travel for the world and I can know news places and form of live of the people is exciting.
I should like to close by saying that the human beings always know thing in the life and this is interesting.
Well people this was the things that I would like to learn. I hope they are feeling alright
Greeting to all!
Resultado de imagen para ampolleta dibujo


  1. Do you have any favorite football team?

    1. Yes, my favourite team is everton of viña del mar!

  2. I realize that you really love soccer haha I hope you can learn more football tactics!

  3. I find it great that you are interested in learning it and not staying just
    as a spectator
