Thursday, August 16, 2018

Free time

Hi everyone, today I will talk about an activity that i like to do in my free time.
Well in my free time I like to play football because i love it, this is my passion since that I was a boy. I do this sport three days a week. These are Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
I practice football in my university. This sport involves a collective activity, because two team of eleven players per side play.
I enjoy play football because the feeling of having the ball on my feet is great, moreover, I consider the play like an art because it is possible play of different ways.
There are many sports for all ages, since boys to older adults, The people would can practice sports in different place, for example parks, gym, sports club, even in your house. Therefore the people only need motivation for make sports.
The sport is very good in a lot of area, for example health, social, mind. The governmental policies should be worry to support the sport in Chile, for news athletes to appear in the future.
I would like that Chile will be in the future a worldwide power in the sports area, especially in football and dreams with a world cup.  
Well this was my exposure.
I hope you are well
Greetings to all.
Imagen relacionada

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Hi everyone!, today i will talk about of a apps that I like.
Well in the present the apps that I like is WhatsApp , it is apps for talk with other persons around the world, is very practice because in it is possible organize reunion, parties, bithdays, plays of soccer and a lot of stuff.
I discovered WhatsApp because an ex friend tell me about this apps and others friends also used.
I like WhatsApp because I can talk with my friends, girlfriend, family, classmate of university and in it am possible make groups, then for me is very useful
On the other hand I always use the apps WhatsApp, because in it always warn when somebody write something personally or in a group.
I recommend the apps WhatsApp to the people because it is platforms that permit communicate with other people for different reason
I hope that WhatsApp never charge in the future, although now it is charge at the sales users.
The apps in the present have resolve different things of the everyday life, because exist apps like Spotify for listen music, “Pedidos ya” for to ask food, Uber for to ask transport, Twitter for to know current news
Well this was me exposition. I hope you are well
Greetings to all  
Resultado de imagen para whatsapp

Thursday, July 26, 2018


Hi everyone, today I will talk about of the environment in the living. I am studying Forest Engineering at the University of Chile, located on the streets avenue Santa Rosa 11315, in the district of La Pintana, Metropolitan region from Chile. This university career has a very relation with the environment, for me the environment is very important in the live, because generate life and scenic beauty
Well the things that I do for care the environment are: I do not throw trash, for example beer cans, roles, plastic cups, because it damages the ecosystem in the short term and long term, apart from that the place looks uglier.
I think that the governmental policies in Chile for the recycling are increase, because the fact of to reduce the plastic bags in the supermarket are signals of the care environment and prove that is important for the government, about this I think is a good solution, but if it is remove complete in the supermarket is a radical step.
The articles that the people more recycle are plastic containers, milk cartons, cans, role, cartons, containers of glass and batteries.
Moreover, the conscience of the people changes, because in the last time there is a big care for the environment, for example with the care of the beach, with the contamination of the air with acts such as do not to burn wood, low heat emission of CO2 of the industries, and the circulation of cars catalytic.
Well this was my exposition
I hope you are well
Resultado de imagen para medio ambiente

Thursday, July 19, 2018


Well in this activity, the statistics say that I am better in the reading part that in the listening part I hope to improve in the listening part. I think that I will practice again this part in my home so in the future I have a great review. This activity in class is very productive.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The music

Hi everyone, today I will talk about of music or film that I like. Well in the actually the music that I like are the hits of the moment, for example artist with Daddy Yankee and Nicky Jam are my favorite. I like the reggaeton in general because is a happy music. It is possible for me listen different places, for example in parties, in a car, in a bus, etc. Moreover the reggaeton is music genre very popular, all the world know this genre because they play it a lot on the radio, and in the parties their songs are the most heard.
My cellular have the possibility of download application for listen music, one of them is Spotify, and for a more personalized is possible to pay 5000 chilean pesos and choose songs or artists all over the world. In this application I create list with music that I like. Then I listen this list at least four days for week.
Finally, I listen all kinds of music before go to sleep because I relax and enjoy simultaneously. In general the songs much listen in this moment are the tendency of name in Spotify “Exits Chile”.
Well, today It was my blog. I hope you are well
Resultado de imagen para music

Thursday, July 5, 2018


Hi everyone, today I will talk about a job I would like to do in the future.
Well in the future I would like job traveling around the world for works matters. For example exporting and importing different products. I would like to do this work because I love travel for different countries, also know cultural different.  I need to do my future job to be organized, know the products and talk English for communicate with the persons of others countries.
Moreover, the types of rewards that I would get from doing this job is the possibility of to travel of world, along with this, know the places.
Finally I think it is important have equilibrium between money and happiness in the persons.
As well as, other job that I would like job in the future is technical director of a team football, especially in Everton of Viña de mar, because is my favorite team in the world and moreover I love the football as well as the tactics and plays for me it is so motivating.  Even though I have two dream jobs, if I need to choose only one, I choose the second, because is my real passion.
I hope you are well
Greetings to all

Sunday, May 13, 2018

something that I would like to learn

Hi everyone! I going to talk about of I would like to learn in my life. Well I would like to learn about of the soccer tactic, is a matter very interesting in my life because I love soccer and I to learn more tactics for me is entertain. The soccer tactics I would to learn in an institute of soccer, both in Chile and abroad, also, other form of to learn soccer tactics is reading books of the different authors. I feel that I know of tactics soccer but always to learn more is positive in the life. On the other hand, I would like to learn about the of the used media. I would like to know the work in a TV channel in Chile or in the world. Because I feel that is important the work that the animator make in your TV channel and your role in the society. Another matter that I would like to learn is the different cultural in the world, this matter is interesting for my because I love travel for the world and I can know news places and form of live of the people is exciting.
I should like to close by saying that the human beings always know thing in the life and this is interesting.
Well people this was the things that I would like to learn. I hope they are feeling alright
Greeting to all!
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